Sunday, May 24, 2009

Inspiration Board

Design isn't just a verb or noun, but a process of finding a solution to a problem, whether it be a product, service, or a fixture for a conference. As industrial designers, we will be approaching this project using a step-by-step processes that we are documenting on this blog to design the fixture.

After our initial group meeting, we created a list of words that reflect the essence of the MWLUG conference and what the fixture should embody. We then connected the words to a series of images, creating a visual tool for us to take inspiration from. This inspiration board provides ideas on form, shape, colors, and ideas that will transfer into sketches of the fixture.

An example is the word “sustainable.” The connection to the images is both abstract and concrete. This not only helps us visualize the word for ideas, but it also defines the word in a uniform way that everyone can see and understand.

-Angela and Brian

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